Essay on Ozone day
Introduction: Ozone is an important layer present in the atmosphere. The ozone layer is in the stratosphere. This layer is about fifty kilometers from the earth. Essay on Ozone day

The chemical formula of ozone is 03. The ozone layer controls the weather coming in our life properly. The ozone layer blocks harmful UV rays coming from the sun and keeps us safe. It protects us and other living beings by absorbing above ninety percent of the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. These harmful rays can also cause us diseases like cancer.
These ultraviolet rays are harmful to animals and us. Man is becoming so blind on the path of progress that he is not paying any attention to the environment. Generally, the attention of common people does not go towards the ozone layer. Some are ignoring it even after considering it. It is necessary to explain to them that the ozone layer is the protective shield of the earth. Ozone layer is getting destroyed due to the chemicals used by humans regularly. Keep Reading
This is a matter of serious concern. September 16 is celebrated as International Ozone Day by the United Nations General Assembly for the protection of the ozone layer. This day is celebrated to spread awareness among the people. Ozone is a trivalent inorganic molecule with a pale blue color and a pungent odor. The ozone layer protects the earth and all the living beings in it.
Ozone gas is light blue in colour. This gas acts as a filter for the UV rays emanating from the Sun. It is a filter that absorbs UV rays. This day has special significance to spread vigilance among the people. This layer is present between ten and fifty kilometers away from the Earth. The ozone layer was invented by scientists like Fabry Charles and Henry Busson.
If the ozone layer continues to be damaged like this, then all of us will not be able to survive. Due to this, deadly cancer to humans, destruction of crops and organisms present in water will not be able to survive. That’s why the ozone layer is very important.
Ozone layer is getting damaged due to excessive use of chlorofluorocarbons in our daily life, refrigerators and air conditioners are the main sources of chlorofluorocarbons.
Scientists and researchers proved that hydrofluorocarbons can be used in place of chlorofluorocarbons. It is less harmful. According to the researchers, hydrofluorocarbons have zero ozone depletion potential.
There are many reasons for the hole in the ozone layer. Regularly emitting factory smoke and non-stop vehicles plying on the roads and toxic gases such as carbon monoxide emanating from vehicles. All these factors increase the heat on the earth.
Similarly, every year the ozone hole is increasing due to pollution, which is not good at all. This will have a negative effect on the earth and there will also be a catastrophe.
These chlorofluorocarbon elements are responsible for the persistent depletion of the ozone layer. Scientists have noticed a hole in the ozone layer which is dangerous for the world. Ozone hole is called ozone hole in English.
World Ozone Day is being celebrated since 1994. This day is organized by the United Nations General Assembly. One of the motives behind celebrating this festival is to curb pollution and save the ozone layer. This ozone layer protects the earth from the harmful rays of the sun.
People need to be made aware that they should use such things which do not contain chlorofluorocarbons.
This day is celebrated all over the world at national and international level. Governments of various countries organize awareness programs and events to spread the use of eco-friendly products to the people. Various programs are also organized in schools and colleges to spread awareness among the youth. The ozone layer is being monitored by scientists every day through the Ozone Mapping Spectrometer satellite.
The more people, the higher will be the cost of water. Some states of the country have been put in the category of dark zone. If it continues like this, then after a few years the underground water in those states will run out. People should use as much water as they need. Getting pure water on earth has become a critical situation.
If we all work together together, then we can emerge from this situation. People should use water wisely for their daily activities. There is a need to install water meters at the houses of the people by the government. This will reduce the misuse of water and people will appreciate water in the right way.
Animals are getting sick and dying due to drinking polluted water. Polluted water is used for irrigation at some place. Due to which the crops are getting diseased. People are getting sick from consuming these crops. It is very important to control these things.
Scientists and researchers proved that hydrofluorocarbons can be used in place of chlorofluorocarbons. It is less harmful. According to the researchers, hydrofluorocarbons have zero ozone depletion potential. There are many reasons for the hole in the ozone layer. Regularly emitting factory smoke and non-stop vehicles plying on the roads and toxic gases such as carbon monoxide emanating from vehicles. All these factors increase the heat on the earth. Similarly, every year the ozone hole is increasing due to pollution, which is not good at all. This will have a negative effect on the earth and there will also be a catastrophe.
If humans continue to misuse natural resources like this, then in the coming time the earth will be in danger. Man should use his everything wisely. We are alive because of the ozone layer. Due to the hole in the ozone, people are exposed to UV rays and are falling prey to many diseases. This is causing skin cancer. There is a bad effect on the eyes. People’s eyes can be destroyed by UV rays. We all have to take necessary steps to save this world. Celebrating Ozone Day will not be just a formality but we will also connect with the motive behind it in the right way.
There is only one way to stop this, humans should bring pollution under control. Nothing will happen by doing just one man, everyone will have to stop pollution together. We have to recycle more and more things and use them again. We have to make every effort to make the earth clean and beautiful. We have to save natural resources. Air pollution has to be stopped only then we will be able to save the ozone layer from being depleted. on this website