September 21, 2022

IM Academy, an education platform covering financial markets such as the foreign exchange (forex) market and cryptocurrencies, is holding an event in Zurich from Oct. 2-4. The gathering follows similar events held in Glendale, Arizona, from September 15-18, as well in Barcelona, Spain, and Palm Beach, Florida, earlier in 2022. IM Academy hosts these gatherings, called IM Beyond events, to inform students and independent business owners (IBOs) about how the Academy works, to recognize high-achieving IBOs, and to inspire attendees through speeches from educators and company leaders.


The Zurich IM Beyond event, like others held in 2022, will feature speeches from Christopher Terry, IM Mastery Academy CEO, and CFO Isis Terry. Other talks will be made by individuals at IM Academy’s Chairman level.


The IM Beyond Zurich event comes on the heels of a European speaking tour by Christopher Terry in the summer of 2022. The tour included stops at 12 locations across Europe, ranging from Portugal to Greece. The goal was to spread IM Academy’s message of the power of financial education at an international scale. As the Academy has increased in size and launched new programs, it has maintained a consistent event schedule to reach students around the world. With IM Beyond Zurich, the Academy is continuing with this international approach to growth.

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What Is IM Academy?


Christopher Terry founded IM Mastery Academy with Isis Terry in 2013 in New York City. Their mission was to make financial education more accessible by embracing an online learning format.


To achieve this goal, they established a collection of online academies through which students could access asynchronous learning materials such as readings and videos, as well as GoLive online video sessions with IM Academy educators. With this approach, students could pursue financial education on a schedule convenient for them, then discuss topics they’d studied independently with educators to reinforce key ideas and analyze various market engagement strategies.


Beginning with a focus on markets such as forex, IM Academy has since expanded to include a wide variety of online academies. In addition to the FRX Academy on forex markets, students can choose from the DCX Academy on digital currencies, the ECX Academy on e-commerce, and the TBX Academy on general time-based exchange strategies that apply across markets. The Elite Academy provides access to all four of these options.

Images created and referenced from Trade Nation – What time does the forex market open. All distribution rights belong to the publisher and cannot be used without written permission.

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Now in its ninth year of operation, IM Academy has ramped up its focus on diversifying options for students, releasing three new academies in 2022 alone. TBX Academy debuted in May, followed by the launch of the TLX Academy in June. TLX Academy is a travel and lifestyle membership program that offers members opportunities to book hotels and resorts at discounted rates, as well as the opportunity to take themed trips with IM Academy educators organized around topics in financial education such as the forex market and cryptocurrency.


In September, IM Academy established the SFX Academy, which focuses on stocks and futures markets. The SFX Academy was launched in collaboration with Carolyn Boroden, a technical analyst with over 40 years of experience engaging in markets using Fibonacci strategies. Boroden is known as the “Fibonacci Queen” and is a frequent guest on CNBC’s Mad Money With Jim Cramer. She provides analysis and identifies trends by applying various Fibonacci ratios to market activity. These ratios are applied across specific time frames, often at an intraday scale, with the goal of anticipating low and high points in market activity.


The launch of TBX and SFX signals IM Academy’s continued focus on pattern- and time-based approaches to market engagement. While the markets covered across the academies include different assets, IM Academy’s approach to financial education emphasizes the importance of understanding patterns in market activity and analyzing market trends according to shorter time frames when engaging in a variety of markets.

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IM Beyond Events


With the introduction of several new academies, IM Academy’s decision to

host several IM Beyond events in 2022 is not surprising. These events provide an opportunity for those involved with the Academy to network and discuss new developments.


IM Beyond events also provide a forum for Christopher Terry and other speakers to communicate the underlying ethos of the Academy’s approach to financial education and personal development. Terry is adamant about developing a positive mindset and using positive self-talk, and he often expounds on this idea at IM Academy’s events.


For example, in a video of a speech delivered by Terry at an IM Academy event, he explains that “you have to keep speaking to yourself and filling yourself with positive energy.” Discussing his own process, he goes on to say, “If you listened to me for the past 20 years, I’d walk around saying ‘I am powerful. I could succeed. I’ll fight the fight. I am striving. I am achieving.’”


Terry elaborated on this idea in a recent Facebook post, writing, “The outside is a reflection of the inside. To change the outside (results), you must first change what’s going on the inside (thinking). Signs follow, they do not precede. Remember, all physical realities (results) were first once nonphysical realities (thoughts and ideas), and we attract them by assuming the feeling of their reality. The world cannot change until you change your conception of it. As within, so without.”

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