July 5, 2022

When it comes to choosing the best web hosting package, most of you prefer shared hosting plans. The reason behind it is simply that such hosting plans are reliable and affordable for new website owners. But to get such hosting plans, you have to sign up for shared hosting services provided by a service provider like MilesWeb. Buy the best shared hosting plans to enhance your online credibility.

So far you have read that the shared hosting service is a good hosting option. However, how many of you know what the actual meaning of this hosting service is? Also, what kind of users can use the same hosting plans? All answers are available in this blog. Keep reading.

What is meant by shared hosting?

Shared hosting is a kind of web hosting service in which server resources are shared among different hosting account users. Server resources include CPU cores, SSDs disk space, and RAM size. As there is a distribution of resources, it emerges as an affordable hosting option for website owners. Many web hosting companies offer shared hosting plans with good configurations. One among them is MilesWeb where users get MilesWeb’s unlimited Hosting services and top-level web hosting servers to host applications hassle-free and get a higher uptime for it.

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Key merits of Shared Hosting

As we have discussed above, shared hosting plans are far cheaper and affordable in comparison to VPS (Virtual Private Server), cloud hosting, or dedicated hosting. If we talk about MilesWeb, their Tyro shared hosting plan costs only Rs. 60 per month which is lesser than your phone subscriptions.

Apart from affordability, shared hosting plans are comprised of different configurations like cPanel (a control panel to manage all web files on servers). Such compelling features and tools are integrated with shared hosting packages. Hence, users do not have to pay an additional amount to get such tools and they will only pay for using web hosting packages.

As far as technical support is concerned, web hosting providers will provide you with the same at no additional cost. You only have to pay for shared hosting packages and get 24×7 technical support from a web hosting company. As a result, if you are stuck in some hosting operation or experiencing downtime, web hosting providers are there to help you out.

In last, shared hosting plans are suitable for new website owners who don’t have a massive budget and technical expertise to host their sites. On their behalf, web hosting companies will host websites and help website users to focus on on-site development and changes.

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Moreover, there is no requirement of having an expensive hosting plan for small-scale websites. To test your website’s efficiency, shared hosting plans are the perfect ones.  By taking this hosting service, you can figure out whether your website is scaling or not. If it is not happening, then you can make changes at the beginning level. Then, further, you can upgrade your web hosting plan and scale your website easily.

Who All Can Use Shared Hosting Plans?

1.      Individual Bloggers

Do you have a hobby of blog writing? You should showcase your craft to internet users worldwide. But how? The answer is simpler than using shared hosting plans by MilesWeb. In their hosting plans, you will get a website builder, optimized WordPress software, and many more tools to build the website in no minutes. Build your blogging site in less time and let MilesWeb manage your site and all technical aspects like installing application updates and configuring security software on the server. Thereby, you can focus on your website’s content part.

2.      Small start-ups

Not all start-ups turn unicorns in their initial days of business. It requires some time to expand its customer base and revenue. Meanwhile, if you are also a startup owner having less budget but still want to build your online presence, shared hosting plans by MilesWeb is the best web hosting plan to prefer. They do not offer only affordable web hosting services but also offers compelling hosting configurations that make your site the best one. MilesWeb’s shared hosting plans come up with higher bandwidth. Therefore, there will be no website performance-related issues.

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3.      New website users

If you have just begun to develop your site and looking for a web hosting plan, shared hosting services are the reliable and preferred web hosting plan. New users also lack technical proficiency. Hence, MilesWeb’s shared hosting plans come up with 24×7 customer support. They extend support via live chat and email.


You all can choose MilesWeb’s shared hosting plans if you have a website and a good strategy to scale your site. Choose their shared hosting plans that include all configurations and safeguard your sites from potential data security threats. Their hosting plans are configured with free SSL certifications.


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