web design
June 29, 2021

Learn Responsive Web Design Backgrounds For Websites

Once the most part of any web design. The background of a site can use in many ways to help create a better user experience.

Today, creating backgrounds properly is more complex than ever, and presents some new challenges, while restricting some of the potential to have grounds otherwise.

For example, the background in previous times can use as a practical part of the web design. You can put arrows here, for example, to direct the viewer’s attention to something important.

Things have changed due to the need for responsive web design. The variety of different screen sizes and screen types that people can use.

In conclusion, the framework has become a less significant element in site layout today. Actually, a few sites have no official background at all.

web design

Do backgrounds matter? To find out, we reviewed the top 30 websites ranked (excluding repetitions), and the results were exciting.

It flies in the face of traditional thought about web design. But it’s hard to argue with the cold hard facts. Surprisingly enough, the first website on the list with the background doesn’t shine until you reach number 10, Twitter, and that background is only visible if you’re not logged in.

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Of the top 30 websites for 2017, only sites with the right background are:

  • Twitter, with background photography (ranked 10th)
  • Live (Outlook), with solid color background (ranked 12th)
  • NetFlix, with college background (ranked 21st)
  • WordPress, with a solid color framework (ranked 26 th )
  • Bing, with a background in photography (ranked 29 th )
  • Tumblr, with a background in photography (ranked 30 th )

So only 20 percent of the best 30 websites have frameworks, and their achievements don’t list well.

The only advantage of a site background is that it helps maintain a sense of site identity across multiple pages. Still, since other elements can achieve this goal and perhaps even better, that’s not a significant advantage.

There are many advantages. Backgrounds present excessive challenges when addressing the site and may require frequent updating to avoid obsolescence.

The different difficulty for the latest designer of line drawing is that it is also possible to create video backgrounds in addition to static environments. If you prefer the latter, it’s necessary to know what you’re doing. As many users will find a poorly-thought-out video background annoying.

For many reasons not to use backgrounds, you can decide to follow in the footsteps of top-ranked websites and ditch the whole idea into the experience once and for all. But if you insist in a nutshell that the site needs to have a background, what can you do? That is what we will try to resolve in the rest of this article.

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Backgrounds must be content.

Content should always be in a layer above the page background. If you don’t separate the elements of your page into different layers. It can create problems for you when something needs to change.

It is best practice to use this layer separation whenever possible. For example, does the site logo need to be included directly in the background? Often it would make more sense to have the logo on a separate panel. If the logo requires to be modernized in this process, it can be updated separately from the whole background.

Using layers in this process means more extra work for you on the making side of anything but less work on the preservation side. It also provides you most excellent control, as you can hide objects, move them, or change the gesture according to your needs at any time.

This image shows the perfect building for a background pattern template:

web design

Within every layer (except the base layer), there is scope to produce further layers for even higher levels of separation if you need them.

The more degrees of division you produce, the more authority you can obtain. You may feel that that doesn’t matter to you now, but it often happens that it becomes a factor later on.

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The single several essential things to know is that “background” is anything, not content. So the text or images allotted are on the page but not as much as the content as part of the experience, but not everyone will arrange them that method.

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Back in the initial days of web design, framing was just a pure discipline where your content had to be relevant to the environment. In this day of responsive web design, however, it is usually more complex than that.

In responsive web design, you only have two options to deal with the framing issue. The first option is to measure the content and background image relative to the available screen size. It is best if design integrity is the most critical factor, even if it is rare.

The second option is to phase out background sections, or even the entire background, in the more common situation where the realism of the content is more important than the integrity of the web design.

This number of “design integrity,” by the system, means that the web design is always the same, regardless of the type of screen viewed. The opposite is where the content has always seen (more or less) identical irrespective of the kind of screen considered.

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Using scaling for responsiveness

When you use scaling to maintain consistent framing across different device types and orientations, it keeps the integrity of your web design. Still, the result may not always be what you expect or even wanted, mainly if you use a background in photography.

It looks like in landscape mode (it’s almost always better to hold a phone in landscape orientation for everyone except phone calls, but people are still forced to have their phones in photo orientation.

Using phased hide and reveal responsiveness

A more practical scenario and most designers want to use most of the time, is a web design where the background (or parts of it) can phase out only if there isn’t enough room to reflect it, so site content always gets maximum attention.

Best concepts for background design (in order)

  1. Solid color (or no color)
  2. Photographic (stretched)
  3. Small tile (perfectly seamless)
  4. Large tile (perfectly seamless)

It would help if you avoided tiling photography backgrounds unless it can do in a not noticeable way. Stretching is usually best for photographic experiences or to confine them within a predefined space.

The era of extensive splashy backgrounds is almost dead except for specialized sites intended only for viewing on a desktop. Unfortunately, most grounds designed for desktops will not look good when viewed on phones.

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One workaround you can do is to set up a large number of breakpoints in your CSS file and design two backgrounds for each breakpoint. Still, as before, you have the challenge that the vertically available space cannot calculate even if the type of device is known.

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