May 17, 2021

Gaming culture has been quite popular over decades all over the world. The evolution of indoor video games has led to the development of high-end multiplayer games based on a set of certain activities and themes to win players’ interest. One of such delight is ffxiv fashion fame that refers to Final Fantasy XIV. It has an international standard and is played in multiple countries by people of all age groups, genders, and professions with great zeal and zest.

About the founder; this role-playing game was developed and launched for MS Windows PC by Square Enix about a decade ago. The main reason behind its massive fan following that is addicted to it and keeps playing this game is the wide range of interesting activities. These catchy tasks attract newbies and keep older users bound to the game. One of the most important features of this game is ffxiv fashion report winning worldwide popularity.

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Ffxiv fashion report: All you need to know

Ffxiv fashion report is the heart of the Final Fantasy game. Every TUESDAY, it releases a theme that contains important hints. Players follow these hints to prepare for their participation that opens on FRIDAY and terminates till the upcoming TUESDAY. One can incline towards non-playing characters playing kind nomads or monsters. It all depends on the accessories one is possessing because they must match the theme of the character to yield an optimum face value. You can even dye the pieces to produce ideal matching. After you are done with the preparation, it is time to flaunt your looks based on your gear and glamour.

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These looks are judged and scores are assigned to you based upon the matching of your gear. For dyed products, one is likely to get a better score. If within the same clan, you come up with matching dyes, it would result in an overall Perfect Dye providing the best score.

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The choice of the right item and the right price is of utmost importance in this process. Some rare items work as a golden opportunity to get ranked. These are also the hardest ones to obtain. So, it is all about perfect planning and management.

Ffxiv Fashion Report: First thing first

Remember that the magnitude of your efforts tends to change gradually as you master the levels of this game. In the beginning, 52 points can be obtained in a week without spending on premium accessories. The basic match of gear will do just fine. After attaining combined points equivalent to 100 as a product of two weeks, you can unlock level 1 fashion report ffxiv vendor accessories. Similarly, to unlock level 2, a total score of 300 would be needed.

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Fashion Report ffxiv: How to step in

Following the hints present in the Theme released on Tuesday, you are allowed to start your preparation and the judgment will be conducted from upcoming Friday till Tuesday. To step into the competition, choosing the right outfit is one of the primary requirements. The right outfit hereby declares the one that follows the announced Theme precisely. Masked Rose acts as the judge for the fashion show and it is based in the Golden Saucer. Showcasing yourself at the right time before the judge: Masked Rose is mandatory. The player can also use it to take hints and assistance about the theme.

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Unlocking the Fashion Report ffxiv

After hitting level 15, a Gold disc could be used to unlock the Fashion Report ffxiv. Lewena is based in the Golden Saucer who assigns a side quest named “Passion for Fashion”. The player is supposed to accomplish this quest to unlock the final report.

Importance of Glamour in fashion report ffxiv

Glamour is of utmost importance while deciding your attire while showcasing yourself as a model in front of the judges. The important thing is while carrying Glamour gear, you must look glamorous to the peak because that would be what you are going to be judged for. While swapping, do not go for fitted dresses as they wouldn’t be exchanged. The outfit or gear that each participant picks is not available for sale in the market anymore for the sake of specificity.

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Rewards: Get 100 on a fashion report Ffxiv

To attain a score of 100, all the products must be hued with unique, matching, and rare dyes. Normally, after participation one can win 10k Manderville Gold Saucer Points. When your score hits 80, MGP crosses 50k and you are on your way to win the title of Fashion Leader after earning 100 points.

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The following types of Rewards are there:

  • 10k MGP as a participation reward
  • 60k MGP at 80+ points
  • One-time reward i.e; Fashion Leader title + 60k MGP after winning 100 points

Take Away

Fashion Report ffxiv is one of the most inspiring features of the Fashion Fame ffxiv. It helps you spice up your apparel in multiple ways, wins titles & laurels based on your decision-making and management skills. The factor of time management also builds up your personality. Therefore, it won’t be useless to infer that fashion report ffxiv is a certificate of your knowledge and skillset, offering you great help in your day-to-day life as well.


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