various types of maintenance
June 9, 2021

Business suffers a lot due to asset downtime, unmaintained asset & poor asset quality. That is why maintenance is very important. However, in the market, there are different types of maintenance because every organization has a different need. Since there are so many options available which one fits into your business.   

The first step would be to know what is your budget and how much dependency is there on assets & how much downtime your business can bear! The above-mentioned step will narrow your options and you will be one step closer to your maintenance type.

What are the different types of maintenance?  

Knowing different types of maintenance is the second step. Below we have mentioned maintenance types:  

Preventive maintenance 

Preventive maintenance is the scheduling of maintenance. It avoids asset failure. As preventive maintenance schedules maintenance whenever a sign of asset failure is noticed by employees. Preventive maintenance can be run on a timely basis for instance as per the usage of the vehicle you can schedule maintenance after every month, 2 months, or 3 months.   

Second is preventive maintenance can be used based on the usage of the asset. For instance, a vehicle is scheduled for maintenance after every 2000 kilometers ride. There is no doubt that preventive maintenance is an effective solution for business.  

 Predictive maintenance –  

According to the Markets and Markets, “The global predictive maintenance market size is expected to grow from USD 4.0 billion in 2020 to USD 12.3 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 25.2% during the forecast period.”  

Predictive maintenance is similar to preventive maintenance. What gives predictive maintenance an extra edge is that it uses assets until the asset is about to be broken. Full resources are used It takes a calculated risk as it provides asset maintenance before asset failure.  

It does not mean the asset is used irresponsibly; asset inspection is done regularly to keep track of asset health. Then it is estimated that after how many days asset breakdown can occur. However, for implementing predictive maintenance you need skilled, fully knowledgeable technicians who know assets in and out. Predictive maintenance can be very fruitful by saving a lot of maintenance expenses. Predictive maintenance and preventive maintenance both are proactive maintenance types.  

Corrective maintenance 

Corrective maintenance is a reactive maintenance type. When asset breakdown has occurred then corrective maintenance is used. In this maintenance type, the asset is bought back into running mode depending on the priority of the asset. Corrective maintenance can be expensive especially if an asset has high priority. In this maintenance, the problem is identified and the solution is provided.   

Emergency maintenance 

This type of maintenance is similar to corrective maintenance. The only difference is that asset breakdown occurred in a critical asset that means they need to be brought back into running mode as soon as possible. In emergency maintenance, the maintenance team has a lot of pressure to bring back assets into running mode but first, they have to identify the issue then only they will be able to resolve it. Emergency maintenance is expensive because torn parts are removed and new inventory is installed.   

Condition-based maintenance 

In some cases, it has been found that condition-based maintenance is more beneficial than condition-based maintenance. This maintenance tells us that maintenance shall be done when certain indicators give a sign of asset failure, certain part failure, decrease performance. When these signs are at a high-level maintenance is scheduled for an asset. These indicators show the condition of the asset. It is helpful to the maintenance team in understanding the health of the asset.  

Condition-based maintenance can be proactive or reactive maintenance. In condition-based maintenance, some organizations utilize assets to run to failure but it is predicted they have a maintenance team on standby.  


An effective solution for asset maintenance problems you can use more than one maintenance type. For instance, you can divide assets into two categories critical assets and non-critical assets. For critical assets you can use proactive maintenance as businesses cannot afford to asset break down as this will only lead to loss and they are essential for daily activities. For non-critical assets, you can use reactive maintenance as they are not essential for daily activities.  

The best solution for your maintenance problem is asset management software. With this software in place, you don’t have to worry about asset maintenance. As this software takes care of maintenance. Maintenance management software provides maintenance tracking and asset history as well that helps in knowing when assets need maintenance. Moreover, this software also alerts the maintenance team in advance about the upcoming asset maintenance work orders. So that asset breakdown does not occur & downtime can be decreased, uptime increased & performance-optimized. It also results in increased asset life.  

Furthermore, this software provides several other benefits as well such as asset tracking. Asset tracking saves assets from theft and misplacement. It allows an organization to eliminate ghost assets (assets that are no available physically but mentioned in the accounts book) in the right manner. This software ensures the organization complies with the rules and regulations as per government standards. 

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